Tag Christian Lundgren porn

Sexy young studs Hoyt Kogan and Christian Lundgren’s huge uncut dicks fuck newbie Frederick Perin

Belami says: Today we have two fan favorites Hoyt Kogan and Christian Lundgren holding a teach-in with newbie young cutie Frederick Perin. Frederick feels ready for a bottoming masterclass lesson from our two experienced guys. Hoyt and Christian are both…

Read MoreSexy young studs Hoyt Kogan and Christian Lundgren’s huge uncut dicks fuck newbie Frederick Perin

Christian Lundgren explodes with cum while being bareback fucked by Torsten Ullman’s huge twink dick

Torsten Ullman and Christian Lundgren hardcore bare ass fucking! Belami says: Torsten Ullman has had the hots for Christian Lundgren for quite a while, but has never had the opportunity to seduce him before now. The boys start the seduction…

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Hot young ripped blonde Christian Lundgren’s tight bubble ass bareback fucked by Antony Lorca’s huge erect cock

Belami says: Today is the day that sexy blonde young stud Christian Lundgren’s boyfriend Hoyt Hogan is moving out of their shared apartment. A new dark-haired dude Antony Lorca is moving in. Christian is missing Hoyt’s big cock already and…

Read MoreHot young ripped blonde Christian Lundgren’s tight bubble ass bareback fucked by Antony Lorca’s huge erect cock

Hardcore big young dick ass fucking threesome Christian Lundgren, Antony Lorca and Hoyt Kogan gay sex orgy

Belami says: After the hot fucking between Christian Lundgren and Antony Lorca, Christian’s boyfriend Hoyt Kogan returns to find Christian alone. Hot muscle dude Hoyt is a little suspicious as Christian is covered in cum. He tastes the jizz and…

Read MoreHardcore big young dick ass fucking threesome Christian Lundgren, Antony Lorca and Hoyt Kogan gay sex orgy

Kris Evans’ huge cock bareback fucks hungry power bottom Christian Lundgren’s smooth bubble butt asshole

Ripped bottom boy Christian Lundgren raw fucked by relentless power top Kris Evans!…… Belami says: We have been saving this Kris Evans scene for you for a little while now. We always thought that this combination of power top and…

Read MoreKris Evans’ huge cock bareback fucks hungry power bottom Christian Lundgren’s smooth bubble butt asshole

Rhys Jagger and Joel Birkin take turns bareback fucking Christian Lundgren’s beautiful bubble butt

Hardcore ass fucking threesome with Rhys Jagger Joel Birkin and Christian Lundgren!…… Belami says: It must be true love if Rhys Jagger is willing to forego a threesome with Joel Birkin based only on Christian Lundgren’s insecurities. Luckily just the…

Read MoreRhys Jagger and Joel Birkin take turns bareback fucking Christian Lundgren’s beautiful bubble butt

Sexy ripped muscle boy Christian Lundgren jerks his huge twink dick to a massive load of creamy cum

Christian Lundgren stripped bare!……. Belami says: We started our ‘Christian’s Accidental Lovers’ special last week with a scene featuring Brian Jovovich, and today Christian Lundgren is back, but this time on his own answering the probing questions of GD. Christian’s…

Read MoreSexy ripped muscle boy Christian Lundgren jerks his huge twink dick to a massive load of creamy cum