Michael Boston tricks sex toy ass tester Zane Williams into fucking his own hot bubble ass

Men.com says: When sex toy engineer Michael Boston sees that today’s ass tester, Zane Williams, is a super sexy top with great stroke game, he’d rather get dicked down than get data.

Michael quietly strips and swaps out a fake, fuckable ass for his own, doing his best not to make a sound as Zane pounds him doggy style.

But when he hears Zane say that the plastic butt was tighter than his, Michael can’t keep quiet.

Zane isn’t just some schmoe off the street; he considers himself an ass expert, so he decides to show Michael just what good ass is all about, bending him over the table to pound that hole and having Michael ride his big dick.

Zane knows butts and he makes Michael cum hard, then pulls out to shoot his load all over Michael’s hole.



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