CzechHunter says: CzechHunter 703 hottie straight young guy stripped naked and fucked first time gay anal sex
Because it was such a hot day, I decided to go spend some time in a park. Don’t worry about it; I wasn’t just going to sit around and relax; I was also hunting for handsome males who were willing to whore themselves off. It didn’t take too much time, and I ended up meeting this hottie while he was walking home from the gym. I had to offer him money in order to attract his attention because he was busy and didn’t want to converse. We went to this guy’s apartment because it was conveniently located close by, and there we learned other ways to earn money. Because he was so miserly, it set me back a small price merely to get him to strip off. However, it was well worth the effort. He had a good figure and a gorgeous cock to go along with it. This beauty obviously had some gay ability and enjoyed pleasuring me a lot, which was surprising coming from someone who had a girlfriend. This was better than the poor man’s previous situation, which consisted of two months without sexual activity. Despite this, he enjoyed it very lot, and his partner might be astonished at how much.