Gay prison inmates sex orgy with Bennett Anthony, Drew Valentino, Chris Damned, Alpha Wolfe and Reign

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Raging Stallion says: Sexy prison inmates Bennett Anthony, Drew Valentino, Chris Damned, Alpha Wolfe, and Reign’s hardcore anal fuck fest in the jail gym.

To punish Beau for his misconduct at rap star Andre’s estate, the warden instructs his henchmen to take it out on the one thing that Beau loves most, his boyfriend.

The guards arrange for intimidating inmates Bennett, Chris, Reign, and Alpha to gang-bang Drew until he’s completely broken down.

Bennett pushes Drew over a cafeteria table as Chris and Alpha hold the hairy prisoner in place.

Ripping Drew’s prison-issued boxers at the back, Bennett rams his ginger cock straight up Drew’s bushy butthole before letting Chris have a turn. 

When Bennett notices that the stoic Reign is tentative and hanging back, he pressures the tattooed hunk to get his enormous cock warmed in Drew’s guts.

With Drew on the ground, he is served not only the raw dicks that were just deep inside him but also Bennett’s red-hot cum-chute. 

Once Drew is flipped onto his back, his legs are held wide apart by Alpha and Reign while Chris squats down to cover Drew with his sweaty asshole. 

Bennett next licks Drew’s meat ring, warming it up for the second round of bareback hole-punching that leaves Drew covered in everyone’s cum. 

Will Drew survive to protect his boyfriend from The Warden’s wrath?

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